The ADOPT Act (HR 6330)

Last week, the bipartisan bill, The ADOPT Act (HR 6220) was introduced in the House of Representatives. For years now, we’ve heard from you about the issue of online, unlicensed brokers playing a predatory role in private domestic adoption. Instead of working with licensed, local providers like you – expectant parents and prospective adoptive parents are often connecting with online brokers that take advantage of these vulnerable groups. 

The ADOPT Act marks the first time federal legislation has been introduced to prohibit these unlicensed intermediaries from advertising to expectant parents and from making payments to expectant and birth parents. While it’s an exciting milestone to celebrate, it’s just the first step. We need many more House co-sponsors, introduction in the Senate, etc. 

You can help! Please use this link to quickly and easily message your Representative on this issue. Even better, look up your Congressional offices and make a quick phone call, asking them to support this legislation. Better yet, do both! We need as much outreach as possible, so please consider sending a message to the clients, families, and other stakeholders you’re connected to.

Even if you don’t do private domestic adoption, improving the experiences and safeguards for expectant parents, birth parents, and adoptive families will only serve to enhance the perception of adoption in the wider public, so please join our efforts.

It will be a lot of work for us to see this bill passed, but I believe our community can rally around this issue and help bring about the change we’ve wanted for years. Take action today and please help spread the word so others join this effort as well.

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